Weight Loss in a day

Weight Loss in a day

I am writ­ing this arti­cle, because of the ques­tion stated in the title. This ques­tion has to be answered clearly, so that pub­lic can under­stand it. Let me ask you a ques­tion.
“Is it pos­si­ble to lose 10 pounds in 24 hours?”
If you are won­der­ing about it, let me state the answer clearly.
“No, it is impos­si­ble to lose 10 pounds in a day.”free weight loss
I have seen many adver­tise­ments, which claim that they will help you lose 30 pounds in 24 hours. It is impos­si­ble and harm­ful. It will be use­less to think you can lose weight by just tak­ing a sup­ple­ment, a pill, or some magic drink.
“Is it pos­si­ble to lose some weight in the next 24 hours?”
Yes. It is pos­si­ble. Los­ing 1 or 2 pounds in a day is pos­si­ble and I am going to tell you the way. If you are fac­ing health issue, then I do not sug­gest you to try these fast plans. Please con­sult your doc­tor for this pur­pose.
When peo­ple want to lose weight in such a short time, it is usu­ally a mat­ter of style and fash­ion. They want to look smart before the party that is tomor­row. In that case, I can help you. You can eas­ily lose 2 pounds in the next 24 hours.
Here comes a list of sug­ges­tions:
• Drink­ing water
• Steam room
• 3 day diet plan scheme
• Avoide caf­feine and alco­hol
• Car­dio­vas­cu­lar exer­cises
• Walk­ing
When you want to lose weight overnight, it is obvi­ous that you are going to lose water weight. 70% of our body weight is water.

Drink­ing water

Drink a lot of water to keep your­self feel­ing full and hydrated. Later on, this water will be used in steam­ing process. This water will help you remove tox­ins and wastes from your body. When your body is dehy­drated, it just wants to store water so that it is not easy to lose water weight. You may use water pills for this pur­pose but you will have to con­sult your doctor.

Steam Room

If you are a mem­ber of slim­ming cen­ter, steam room is a good option. In the steam room, some­one should be present to super­vise you carefully.

3-day diet plan scheme

Are you famil­iar with the 3-day diet plan? Try to use this diet plan as the basis for your one-day diet plan. I mean you should use the 1st day diet of this diet plan for 24 hours. It is helpful.

Avoid Caf­feine and alcohol

Do not even think about alco­hol. Avoid caf­feine as it pro­motes dehy­dra­tion. These ele­ments are not use­ful. You should use 3-day diet plan, which includes black coffee.

Car­dio­vas­cu­lar exercises

For me, car­dio­vas­cu­lar exer­cises are the best. They have always worked out for me. More­over, they will help you slim down in a very short time. 30 to 60 min­utes car­dio­vas­cu­lar exer­cises in day are more than enough and it will help you lose 2 pounds.


Walk­ing is also ben­e­fi­cial. Because we want to lose weight in 24 hours, so we have to make use of every oppor­tu­nity. Walk for 20 min­utes along with car­dio­vas­cu­lar exer­cises.
That’s it.
Now, here is a piece of cau­tion for you. It is a short-term plan and it does not guar­an­tee that you will get long-term ben­e­fits.
Thanks for read­ing.
To your weight loss suc­cess!
Slimca team!
You might also like: A Quick Tip To Lose Weight in 24 hours

Top 10 Paleo Foods

The Paleo diet has emerged as one of the most popular diets today. Essentially, this diet advocates consumption of: low-glycemic carbohydrate sources such as fruits and vegetables, high quality cuts of free range and grass fed meat and healthy fats. Here is a quick overview of the top ten paleo foods.

1. Grass Fed Beef
Grass Fed Beef tops the list as one of the most popular paleo foods. Grain fed cows usually are filled with hormones and antibiotics that are potentially toxic to human health. Grass fed beef sources are 100% chemical free and have higher amounts of healthy fats such as CLA.

2. Free Range Eggs
Like other grass fed animal sources; free range eggs are not filled with dangerous growth hormones and antibiotics. Organic free range eggs are filled with high amounts of healthy cholesterol known as high density lipoproteins. This form of cholesterol is beneficial for the nervous and endocrine system.

3. Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate is a classic Paleo dessert. Because of its low sugar content, dark chocolate has a bitter taste. Dark chocolate contains high amounts of phenylethylamine - a chemical that produces feelings of love and joy. It is also a great source of antioxidants and electrolytes like magnesium and potassium.

4. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes are can be used in a variety of paleo meals. Whether its making a side of fries to cooked with a well seasoned grass-fed steak, or a gluten-free sweet potato pie; sweet potatoes are a common staple in the Paleo diet. Sweet potatoes help control blood sugar and are an excellent post-workout carbohydrate source.

5. Almonds
One way paleo diet espouses individuals to get a healthy amount of fat is by eating almonds. Almonds are not only filled with healthy monounsaturated oil, but is also a good source of protein. Many Paleo cooks create a tasty dessert out of melted dark chocolate, raspberries and almonds.

6. Avocado
Avocados are another great source for healthy fats. Avocado is not only an awesome source of heart-healthy unsaturated fat, but is also a great source of Vitamin K.

7. Coconut Oil
Once thought of as a artery clogging source of fat - coconut oil is now a popularly used cooking oil in the Paleo diet. Coconut oil is filled with medium-chained tryglycerides. These fatty acids are used immediately for energy consumption, especially when one is on a low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet.

8. Berries
Berries of all kinds - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and bilberries contain high amounts of cancer-fighting antioxidants. Berries also are very low on the glycemix index and contain low amounts of fructose compared to other fruits.

9. Kale
Kale is a very popular superfood and a common green vegetable in the Paleo world. Kale is a nutrient-dense, antioxidant-filled fibrous plant that makes for a great side salad with seasoned wild salmon and quinoa.

10. Broccoli
Broccoli along with other cruciferous vegetables are superfoods that are filled with a vast array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These vegetables are especially important for men to help promote healthy testosterone levels.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diane_McCarthy

How to Deal With Lung Pain After You Quit Smoking

After starting to quit smoking, some people experience pains in the lungs. To tell the truth, I didn't have this experience during the process of stopping cigarette smoking.

But by doing some research, I have found out that this happens. That is because different people have a body that responds to the lack of smoke in the lungs in different ways.

In this article, I am going to tell you about how to deal with the lung pain after you quit smoking.

Stop panicing.
As mentioned earlier, not all smoking quitting people has the same experience on their body after quitting smoking.

And with the pains, many people are afraid that it is the lung cancer or something. They start to panic.
But sometimes, this kind of pain has nothing to do with tumors at all. It might be just illusion.
Sometimes, people have illusions about this kind of conditions after reading other people's experience.
Sometimes, it is related to stress and anxiety that are experienced in the process of quitting.
For all of these reasons, you need to reassure yourself that you lungs are okay in the first place. Otherwise, it might get worse.

The best way to do that is go to a doctor and have an x-ray check.
Most of the time, it will show that you lungs are great. Nothing wrong with them. If this is the case, then you need to do further check on your heart because if the pain comes from the heart, it often is mistakened as from the lung.

When your heart is found okay, then you need to check if you have cough caused by cold or something.
If you are assured that the pain is not due to cough, then what you need is to clear your lungs effectively, which is coming in the next part of this article.

Clear your lungs up
If you feel like coughing, then cough it out. At the beginning, you will find that the thing is dirty. But as time goes, it will clear up.

Breathe deeply. Inhale until you can not any more and make sure your stomach humps. Then exhale until you can not any more. This will supply as much oxygen as possible to the blood cells of your lungs and help them recover as soon as possible.

Drink water. Water can speed up the circulation of fluid in our body. Metabolism, as it is known, can discharge the bad things out of the body quickly.

Another way to accelerate metabolism and thus clear the lungs up is exercising regularly. Make sure to do exercises in a place where the air is fresh.

Now that you know how to deal with lung pain after quitting smoking, get started doing them now with some tweaking if your body needs some time to adjust.

Your lungs will fresh up and become anew pretty soon. Enjoy the fresh air they will provide to your body!
Want to quit smoking cigarettes without willpower and pains?

I read this easy quit book and succeeded in giving smoking up before I finished reading it. So can you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emmerson_Kennedy

Skin Medica tns

Skin Medica tns

Skin Medica tns Products have become the preferred skin care solution for thousands of people with varying skin types. Skin damage is something that cannot always be avoided. Exposure to the sun, pollution and age take its toll on the face and causes it to start looking dull and lifeless and the skin begins to develop wrinkles and fine lines. Today you can find a vast array of products in the market that help in improving your youthful appearance but very few of these products actually provide lasting effects. Most of the time the effects are just temporary.Skin Medica tns

There are numerous over the counter products that are cheap but many of these have not undergone sufficient testing and could end up harming your appearance irrevocably. It makes a lot of sense to buy products of a good quality and which will provide consistent and lasting results. And that is what Skin Medica TNS products do for you. You can get the best eye cream, best wrinkle cream and anti-aging cream. You can get moisturizers and serums that reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles and make your skin look young and glowing.Skin Medica tns

The Skin Medica TNS Serum is a very unique and a multi-faceted product that is especially designed to nourish and treat your skin. It has antioxidants, amino acids and proteins as well as an APS Corrective Complex. It works steadily and over a period of time you will see a marked difference in the way your skin looks and feels. It reduces hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and fine lines and also improves the elasticity.Skin Medica tns

This product also contains the patented NouriCel-MD. It has various natural human growth factors as well as other compounds that help in reducing the visible aging signs. They also improve the texture of the skin. Human fibroblast-conditioned media are the physiologically balanced and naturally secreted growth factors that help in improving the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and the overall tone & texture.Skin Medica tns

These products also have antioxidants that act on free radicals that tend to damage the cells. This also work very well with Vitamin E and give you a younger-looking appearance. The facial cleanser provides appropriate hydration and cleansing action and suits all skin types. The moisturizer is ideal for normal to oily skin and enhances the appearance of the skin. It has sunscreen and provides broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection. Having beautiful skin is about being regular with your care routine and using high quality products with consistency.Skin Medica tns

Skin Medica TNS products are specialized products that help in enhancing the look and feel of your skin. True MD offers all these products and you can also get expert advice from dermatologists. Also check out our new page on Skin Medica TNS.Skin Medica tns

Foods For Great Skin

Foods For Great Skin

Having healthy skin is just as important as having great internal health.(Foods For Great Skin) There are certain food products that can make you healthy. You can get that glow in your face back that you have always enjoyed. There are foods that help fight acne. The next time you go grocery shopping, you need to look out for these foods that will help you achieve perfect skin.

Foods For Great Skin: Foods that Promote Skin Health

If you love fruits then you are going to be thrilled about this. Strawberries are actually great for your skin. Strawberries have tons of vitamin C. When you eat strawberries, you are protecting your skin from the effects of aging. A study showed that people who ate foods loaded with vitamin C have less wrinkles, and healthier looking skin.(Foods For Great Skin)

Broccoli is also a great promoter of skin health. It has a large amount of vitamin E in it. The vitamin E in broccoli will help protect your skin, and, keeps it soft. It also has the benefits of keeping your skin protected from UV rays. Sun damage is a common occurrence if you are outdoors often. If you are planning, an outdoor trip, such as camping, be sure to eat your broccoli!(Foods For Great Skin)

Carrots are a great snacking option for healthy skin. When you eat carrots, you will be ingesting vitamin A. This vitamin will help your skin healthy and fresh looking. It repairs damaged cells and keeps your face looking vibrant and soft. It is great for protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. They are a low calorie snack that you can enjoy raw, or cooked, and still receive the benefits.(Foods For Great Skin)

Consuming pumpkin seeds can make your skin look good as new. It is high in zinc, which will protect your skin cells from damage. It also promotes cell renewal. This will give your skin a youthful, fresh appearance. Pumpkin seeds can be eaten in multiple ways. The versatility is what makes them so easy to add into your diet.(Foods For Great Skin)

Foods For Great Skin: Great Foods for Acne Healing

The number one food for fighting acne is seafood. You can eat fresh seafood such as oysters or clams. These foods are high in zinc. It is proven to help control the hormones that activate acne. Having a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals is crucial to keeping your skin beautiful. The body will use all of these vitamins and minerals to repair, and restore your skin.(Foods For Great Skin)

It can be an odd adjustment to make. Once you change your diet around you will results almost immediately. It will help promote your skin in such a way that you not have to worry about wrinkles and skin imperfections. These foods are all known to help promote a healthy skin, and a healthy skin means a healthy inside. When you are healthy, you will live a more fulfilling life. Many other foods can repair your skin. You can do your own research and see what foods will help heal your skin. Foods For Great Skin (Foods For Great Skin) Foods For Great Skin (Foods For Great Skin)

5 Tips for Rapid Weight Loss

 5 Tips for Rapid Weight Loss

1- Drink Water. Ditch any liquid high in calories but drink lots of fluids, mostly water.
A lack of water affects your kidneys and liver. This hinders fat burning. When dehydrated, your body also holds on to the little water it has, causing you to feel bloated.

Drinking enough water brings everything back to equilibrium. Water can also enhance metabolism. Your body works more efficiently when hydrated which speeds up weight loss.

2- Cut back on Salt. Salt isn't bad, but too much of it can cause problems.
Salt does not cause your body to gain or lose fat. But, high consumptions of salt cause your body to retain water. Reducing the salt in your diet causes your body to shed water weight. Some salt is necessary for health so don't cut it out completely.

Diets high in salt are also associated with weight gain. This is because high levels of salt are commonly found in unhealthy calorie dense processed foods.

3- Dump Highly Processed Foods. Highly processed foods often lack essential nutrients and are high in bad fats, sugar, and artificial chemicals.

Your body processes whole foods very differently than it does highly processed foods. Some highly processed foods overstimulate the pleasure neurotransmitter, dopamine, which can lead to cravings.
Processed foods also cause a temptation to eat in excess which can lead to other health problems. Stick with natural whole foods.

4- Double Dark Leafy Greens. Leafy greens are nutritious and come in a wide variety.
Vegetables like kale, spinach, collard greens, cabbage, broccoli and others are some of the most nutrient dense foods on a calorie per calorie basis.

They are rich in fiber that keeps you feeling full. Fiber can also lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and moderate blood-sugar swings by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates after meals. Leafy greens also contain a lot of water, which helps to keep you hydrated.

5- Prioritize Sleep. Skipping sleep packs on the pounds.

It can also hinder the effectiveness of your diet. People who get less sleep are more likely to be overweight or obese.

Don't be temped by junk foods. Research from Harvard shows that missing a few hours of sleep may also make you more susceptible to junk foods. The prefrontal cortex is highly sensitive to a lack of sleep and it is the part of the brain responsible for self-control.